Vijay Bhatt was appointed Senior Executive Vice President of Kinetic Green‘s two-wheeler division. Vijay, a seasoned professional with 21 years of impressive experience in the automotive sector, will be in charge of the Electric Two-Wheelers SBU and oversee the Sales, Marketing, Service, and Spares functions in his current position.
In addition to sales training, he will be responsible for strategic planning, retail sales, business development, customer satisfaction, new market development, marketing & brand strategy, advertising & promotion, channel management, strategic finance tie-ups, team building, market intelligence, and market research.
He holds an engineering degree from MIT Aurangabad in the mechanical stream and has also completed the senior management program at IIM Kolkata and the MMS (Marketing) program at Malviya National Institute of Technology.
On the appointment, Sulajja Firodia Motwani, Founder & CEO Kinetic Green said, “We are glad to have Vijay onboard, and we are optimistic that he will add more speed to our EV journey. He comes with two decades of an admirable experience in the auto industry. In this illustrious career, he has donned many hats and has great knowledge in Sales & Marketing, Channel Management, P&L Management, and Product Development in both domestic & International markets. Vijay will bring this experience to Kinetic Green to take our company to greater heights.”