AMU Leasing, India’s top and sole woman-led technology-driven NBFC company serving only the ecosystem for electric vehicles, has revealed plans for growth. The company that finances electric vehicles (EVs) wants to take advantage of the untapped market in emerging cities that could serve as EV financing hubs. The company, which has its headquarters in New Delhi, intends to rapidly expand in the seven northern Uttar Pradesh and Haryana cities of Gorakhpur, Varanasi, Azamgarh, Lucknow, Karnal, Panipat, and Rohtak. The aforementioned business expansion aims to make it easier for customers to obtain loans; as a result, the expansion is seen as a significant step toward promoting EV adoption in India.
It is noteworthy that the illustrious NBFC has consistently supported employee emancipation by implementing meticulous measures to ensure employee welfare and the creation of a forward-thinking workplace. Notably, the EV financing company plans to expand into UP and Haryana in the central and eastern regions in addition to the aforementioned states. AMU Leasing’s goal is to support the development of microenterprise and self-employment programs in India for citizens of tier-2 and tier-3 cities. The company plans to accelerate revenue generation by assisting the alternative fuel-based transportation sector.
Commenting on the prospects of the expansion, Nehal Gupta, Director of AMU Leasing Pvt. Ltd. said, “We at AMU Leasing are thrilled to announce the expansion of our enterprise into the 7 cities of UP and Haryana comprising Gorakhpur, Varanasi, Azamgarh, Lucknow, Karnal, Panipat, and Rohtak. We believe that tier-2 and tier-3 cities possess the potential to emerge as profitable markets for EV financing which can improve livelihoods and uplift the economy. The company has recruited new employees. Hiring helps streamline business processes and provides an avenue to create expertise. The cleantech financing industry is emerging and requires a mind-shift from conventional forms of financing. We look forward to working with individuals with strong business acumen who can pivot to different situations as per the market and industry eliminating the resistance to change. The penetration of young blood in the company helps in nurturing and creating a prolific environment that can prosper a firm on professional and commercial forefronts.”