Stride Ventures invested Rs 75 crore in Battery Smart, a battery-swapping network. Battery Smart, provides swapping networks for electric three- and two-wheelers, stated that the funds will be used to expand its network to new cities in India and it is going to add more batteries.
According to the company, it has performed over 60 lakh battery swaps to date and has established over 440 swap stations with over 13,000 customers in 12 Indian cities.
Stride Venture Founder & Managing Partner Ishpreet Singh Gandhi stated that Battery Smart is working to build a strong EV ecosystem and is proud to support their efforts. Pulkit Khurana, Co-founder of Battery Smart, said that the company plans to expand its EV-swapping network across India.
He said, “By expanding our reach across more cities and deploying more batteries to our network we aim to reach more EV users nationwide.”
About Battery Smart
Battery Smart is India’s largest and fastest-growing Battery Swapping Network for electric two and three-wheelers. Launched in June 2020, we aim to revolutionize the EV sector by making electric mobility simple, economical, and accessible through a unique partner-led model.