Electric motorcycle manufacturer, Tork Motors has launched its first dedicated service center in Pune. The EV maker, which has sold 355 units till now, recently announced plans to launch a new e-motorcycle along with an updated Kratos at the upcoming Auto Expo Motor Show 2023. The state-of-the-art facility houses a comfortable customer lounge with entertainment facilities, a separate motorcycle washing area, and three motorcycle lifts, along with trained professionals to handle the e-motorcycles.
Kapil Shelke, Founder & CEO, of Tork Motors said, “Since the initiation of booking to the deliveries of Kratos and Kratos-R, we have received a positive response to our motorcycle. Through this dedicated service center, we are creating a holistic ownership experience that is hassle-free and is in line with our vision of making electric motorcycles for early adoption and preferred mode of commuting in the country.”
Earlier last month, the company launched its first-ever experience center in Pune and aims to replicate the same model in other tier-I cities by end-FY2023.
At present, Tork Motors is delivering the e-motorcycles in Pune, Mumbai, and Hyderabad and will soon start deliveries in other markets.