Over the next five years, Jaguar Land Rover, a division of Tata Motors, plans to invest over Rs 1 lakh crore towards battery electric vehicles that emit no emissions. Within the next year, the well-known car brands owned by Tata Motors will launch three different electric vehicle architectures, which will represent a major shift in the company’s direction towards electrification.
Senior Jaguar Land Rover management disclosed intentions to invest more than £18 billion, or Rs 1.9 lakh crore, to grow the premium automobile category over the next five years during a presentation on Investor Day. The presentation made clear that the development of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) is the primary focus of this enormous investment—60% of it.
Physical testing is presently being carried out on all three architectures as we actualize our electrified future, according to Jaguar Land Rover’s Executive Director of Product Engineering, Thomas Muller. Investing in a highly skilled worldwide workforce and cutting-edge testing infrastructure is essential to us delivering on our promise to provide our customers with quality.
The business plans to release automobiles built on its modular longitudinal architecture, or MLA, a flexible multi-energy platform that can accommodate battery-electric, plug-in hybrid, and internal combustion engine vehicles. Tata Motors’ passenger car division will also make use of the second architecture, called EMA, or Electrified Modular Architecture, which is especially made for fully battery-electric vehicles. The third design, known as Jaguar’s Electrified design, or JEA for short, was created specifically for this venerable British manufacturer, which is changing to focus only on producing electric vehicles.
The head of product engineering at Jaguar Land Rover explained in a presentation that the company’s vehicle architecture plan is designed to provide flexibility as it transitions to an electrified future. Muller stressed that these premium British companies’ upcoming platform capabilities will significantly enhance consumer experiences. He pointed out that their approach to vehicle construction is designed to keep them flexible as they make the switch to electrification. Muller added that goods from the three newly designed electrified architectures should be available for purchase within the next year. He gave a demonstration of the ground-breaking in-house created battery electric vehicle (BEV) propulsion system, which includes a completely new electric vehicle architecture and software stack.
Jaguar Land Rover has announced plans to move the Jaguar brand to an all-electric range beginning in 2025. By the end of this decade, the company hopes to have 60% of vehicles on the road, or 1.08 lakh crore. The Range Rover Electric has already received more than 38,000 pre-orders, and the company plans to introduce both it and its first Jaguar electric car in 2025.