Two brand-new electric vehicle (EV) charging stations have opened in Sector 15A, next to Rajnigandha Market. These charging stations were officially launched by Ashok Das, Director of Oil India Limited, and Gaurav Bansal, Senior Project Engineer, Public Health Department, Noida Authority. The people of this sector would benefit most from this facility because it will make it easier for them to charge their electric cars.
Publication of the Trashtalk Activity Book
With the help of the Noida Authority and the non-governmental Guided Fortune Committee, an essential part of which was played by Oil India, this effort has been made possible. The Guided Fortune Committee launched a new project at this time as well. They released the “Trashtalk Activity Book,” which has valuable information regarding home garbage management. People who read this pamphlet will learn how to manage their garbage properly at home, which is a critical first step toward protecting the environment.
It is possible to charge four cars at once
Senior Guided Fortune Committee official Abhigyanam stated that this program will greatly enhance environmental preservation in addition to promoting electric automobiles. The club house has chargers fitted with a 30 and 9.9 kilowatt capacity. It is possible to charge four cars at once. One car will require 40 to 45 minutes to fully charge. The sector’s RWA will shortly determine the fees. DD Mishra, the President of the Sector-15A Residents Welfare Association and a former IAS officer, RK Sharma, the Senior Manager of Noida Authority, and Parul, a representative of the Guided Fortune Committee, were among the numerous dignitaries in attendance at this function.