Honda India sent out invitations to the eActiva launch, which is scheduled for November 27. With their upcoming electric scooter, Honda will formally join the Indian electric vehicle market. The eActiva is anticipated to compete with a number of gadgets, including the Bajaj Chetak, TVS iQube, and Ather 450X.
One of Honda Motorcycle’s best-selling models in India is the Activa, which has helped the brand establish a reputation in the 110cc ICE scooter market. The eActiva is expected to function similarly to its ICE counterpart. We predict that the eActiva will have a range of about 100 kilometers on a single charge, which is comparable to competitors.
The eActiva may have additional features including LED headlights and taillights, a large and comfortable seat, a digital instrument cluster, OTA update support, TPMS, and more. The eActiva will be produced domestically at the company’s facilities in Gujarat or Karnataka. We estimate that the eActiva will cost more than Rs 1 lakh, or roughly 30% more than the ICE variant.