Joining Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and Maharashtra in offering incentives to promote the adoption of electric vehicles is Telangana. In a statement, State Minister for Transport and BC Welfare Ponnam Prabhakar said that when an electric automobile is acquired, road tax and registration fees are fully waived.
Electric two- and four-wheelers, commercial vehicles such as taxis, three-wheelers, and light cargo carriers, as well as tractors and buses, would all be excluded. It was put into place in an attempt to reduce air pollution in the state capital of Hyderabad. EVs operated by the Telangana State Road Transport Corporation and e-buses used to transport private employees would be fully exempt from road tax and registration fees for the remainder of their lives.
The exemption will last until December 31, 2026, regardless of the number of new EVs sold. The minister went on to say that a corresponding expansion of the infrastructure for EV charging is required to promote the usage of EVs. The decision to do away with the registration and road fee should lead to an increase in the state’s sales of electric vehicles.
Road taxes and registration costs for hybrid vehicles may be waived simultaneously in states like Karnataka, which offer incentives to EV manufacturers but not to consumers directly. In Uttar Pradesh, this has already been put into practice, and according to certain dealers, sales of hybrid cars have increased significantly.