Mahindra & Mahindra has introduced its Electric Origin SUVs BE 6e and XEV 9e at disruptive prices, undercutting popular internal combustion engine vehicles on the market by Rs 1.5 lakh to Rs 6 lakh in an effort to accelerate the transition to electric vehicles. Mahindra intends to manufacture six EVs under the BE and XEV brands, with these models being the first. Up until 2028, new models will be available.
These SUV deliveries will begin in the fourth quarter of current fiscal year.
“We believe we have a very competitive product, which will create a category,” said Rajesh Jejurikar, ED & CEO of Mahindra & Mahindra’s Automotive and Farm Equipment Sector, as he introduced the vehicles. We’ve always said that this isn’t about EVs or not, but rather about creating a specific lifestyle. By fusing “unlimited” love, technology, performance, and affordability, we believe we have created a new category in the Indian auto industry. Although there has long been debate over whether M&M would be a mainstream or niche competitor, the company is well-positioned to upend the mid-size SUV market with this aggressive pricing strategy.
Mahindra’s electric-only INGLO platform is the basis for the BE 6e and XEV 9e.
Lithium iron phosphate battery packs power the BE 6e and XEV 9e, which have respective ARAI (Automotive Research Association of India)-certified ranges of up to 682 and 656 kilometers. The batteries can be fast-charged from 20% to 80% in 20 minutes using a 175kW DC charger.
Among the models for interior comfort and enjoyment is “Sonic Studio Experience by Mahindra,” which was developed in collaboration with 16-time Grammy winner Richard King and AR Rahman. The system includes a 1,400-watt Harman Kardon system with 16 speakers and Dolby Atmos. A unique VenueScapes Live function authenticates the acoustics of well-known venues, such as Mumbai’s Royal Opera House and London’s Wembley Stadium.
The vehicles include advanced safety features like ADAS Level 2+ and are equipped with five radars and one vision camera. For comprehensive surveillance, the “Secure360” system provides 360-degree cameras and in-cabin monitoring. The “Autopark” feature uses twelve ultrasonic sensors to execute various parking maneuvers.
The company is investing ₹4,500 crore from its ₹16,000 crore EV budget for FY22–FY27, with a focus on product development, advanced technologies, and production scaling. By March 2025, Mahindra hopes to have 10,000 ground-up EVs produced at its Pune plant.