BYD has been actively registering new design patents in India lately. The Denza N9 PHEV was registered in October, and the Bao 3 EV was filed in September. Notably, BYD said that it would take part in the January 2025 Bharat Mobility Global Expo. Regarding the presentations of the two EVs, the Chinese company has not yet issued a formal remark.
BYD is the owner of the luxury new energy vehicle (NEV) brand Denza, which has its main office in Shenzhen, China. With a wheelbase of 3.1 meters and a length of 5.2 meters, the N9 is Mercedes GLS territory. The Denza N9 is classified as a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) on the website of China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.
The N9 PHEV is powered by a combination of ICE and EV powertrains. Combustion tasks are handled by a 2.0-liter turbocharged gasoline engine that produces 206 horsepower. Furthermore, the N9’s electric setup generates 924 horsepower from a front-axle motor and two motors for each rear tire. Its 47kWh blade-cell battery has a range of 165 kilometers. There is an all-electric N9 with a similar three-motor setup with a maximum output of 965 horsepower.
Located at Fangchengbao, BYD’s off-road division produces the Bao 3 electric SUV. The Super 3 concept car will serve as the foundation for the 4.6-meter SUV that will sit atop the 4.4-meter Atto 3. The Bao 3’s front (149 horsepower) and rear (299 horsepower) electric motors are designed to simulate a four-wheel drive (4WD) system. It has a top speed of 201 kph and a sprint time of 4.9 seconds from 0 to 100 kph. For the SUV with a roof-mounted carrier, BYD also filed a separate design patent here.
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