According to Chief Minister Atishi, the cabinet has decided to prolong the Delhi EV policy until March 2025 when it is scheduled to expire on June 30.
According to the Atishi Hindustan Times, “road tax exemptions will be granted to EV buyers, and subsidies for electric vehicles sold after January 1, 2024, will be transferred to buyers’ accounts.”
In support of the ruling, Arvind Kejriwal wrote on X “Congratulations to the Delhi community. Restarting the Delhi Electric Vehicle Policy is underway”.
In August 2020, the Delhi Electric Vehicle Policy was launched by the state government to offer financial incentives for EV purchases.
As a result of this legislation, less than 4% of all automobiles in Delhi were registered as electric vehicles in 2019–20, according to Atishi. By 2023–2024, more over 12% of Delhi’s registered cars were electric, the highest percentage in the nation and double the 6% national average, according to HT.