The government of Uttar Pradesh has decided to waive the road tax and registration fees for purchasers of electric vehicles for a period of three years beginning on October 14, 2022. The Uttar Pradesh government made the decision in an effort to encourage the use of electric vehicles in the state.
The exemption on purchasing electric vehicles made in the state will be good for five years.
RTOs of all districts have received orders on behalf of the government to ensure compliance with the instructions immediately.
According to the updated notification released by Principal Secretary L. Venkateshwarlu, the Uttar Pradesh Electric Vehicle Manufacturing and Mobility Policy 2022 provides a 100% tax exemption on EVs sold and registered in Uttar Pradesh from October 14, 2022, to October 13, 2025.
The notification also stated that a 100% rebate would be given on EVs made, sold, and registered in the state during the fourth and fifth years of the Electric Vehicle Policy’s effective period, which runs from October 14, 2025, to October 13, 2027.
The definition of “electric vehicles” has also been clarified. This defines EV as any vehicle with an electric motor powered by batteries, ultracapacitors, or fuel cells.
These include all two-wheelers, three-wheelers, and four-wheelers, Strong Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV), Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle, Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV), and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (FCEV).