The nation’s best-selling midsize SUV, the Creta EV, will be introduced by Hyundai Motor India at the upcoming Bharat Mobility Show 2025 in New Delhi. The electric SUV will resemble the facelifted Creta that debuted in January 2024, with a few EV-specific characteristics including a closed-off “grille,” updated front and rear bumpers, and alloy wheels that are designed for aerodynamics.
With the Creta EV, Hyundai has been more conservative than some of its rivals, especially in terms of design, sharing most of the Creta’s features with the standard Creta. Among the cosmetic alterations it will get are a new closed grille, new bumper designs, alloy wheels that look different, and insignia that are only found on EVs.
The interior of the most recent Hyundai Kona EV will be distinguished by its three-spoke steering wheel, drive selector controller near the steering wheel column, redesigned center console with two cup holders, and buttons for the electronic parking brake, cooled seats, auto-hold, and 360-degree camera. In addition, a few HVAC controls and other parts for the center panel will be removed from the facelifted Hyundai Alcazar.
In addition to several physical buttons for easy access, the Creta EV will still have a twin-screen infotainment and instrument cluster. The infotainment system might be enhanced with new features and a better software interface.
Hyundai Motor India plans to produce roughly 24,000 of the electric SUV every year. Anticipate competitive pricing when Hyundai’s Creta EV goes on sale next month.