Mahindra has upped the standard for vehicle safety by conducting India’s first live EV crash test on its Electric Origin eSUV, the XEV 9e. The groundbreaking event took place at the company’s state-of-the-art Passive Safety Lab in Tamil Nadu, one of the largest OEM-owned facilities globally, and showcased the vehicle’s exceptional safety standards and robust structure.
Setting the Standard for Safety Performance
The XEV 9e underwent a frontal 40 percent offset deformable barrier crash test at 64 km/h. The amazing results, which included the occupant cage staying intact and the airbags deploying perfectly, demonstrated the SUV’s exceptional safety design and structural integrity.
Comprehensive Testing for Battery Resilience
In addition to the crash test, Mahindra demonstrated the resilience of its advanced battery system in several rigorous tests:
. Nail Penetration Test: There were no indications of catastrophic damage to the live battery cells, even after they were punctured.
. Test for Fire Resistance: The structural integrity of a fully charged battery pack was maintained when it was exposed to open flames without exploding or catching fire.
. Crush Test: In a stunning demonstration, a 22-ton vehicle ran over a live battery pack. Remarkably intact were the battery’s structural and electrical characteristics, including its capacity to charge.
The XEV 9e and the soon-to-be BE 6e are two examples of Mahindra’s commitment to safe and sustainable mobility. By meeting these standards, Mahindra has made a name for itself as a leader in creating cars that surpass global safety standards.