MG Motor India has just announced a price revision for the ZS EV. The brand has increased the cost of the electric vehicle by up to Rs. 32,000 for certain versions. The new prices will take effect immediately. The company has raised the price of the Essence Dark Grey, 100-Year Edition, and Essence Dual-Tone Iconic Ivory editions. However, the Executive and Excite Pro, two of the company’s entry-level models, are still the same price.
The largest increase, of Rs 32,000, has been seen in the MG ZS EV’s Essence Dark Grey model. Following this, there was a Rs. 31,000 annual price rise for the 100-Year Edition and the Essence Dual-Tone Iconic Ivory versions.
For those who choose the Exclusive Plus editions, there are also notable price adjustments. While the Exclusive Plus Dark Grey version now costs Rs. 30,200 more, the Exclusive Plus Dual-Tone Iconic Ivory variant now costs Rs. 30,000 more. It’s crucial to remember that the base Executive and Excite Pro models are still offered at the same prices.
The price of the MG ZS EV has been reduced to between Rs. 18.98 lakh and Rs. 25.75 lakh (ex-showroom), which has improved its standing as a competitive option in the electric mid-size SUV market. This move is consistent with broader trends in the electric vehicle industry, as manufacturers are coping with growing raw material and delivery costs.
Even while some potential buyers may find the recent price increase problematic, the MG ZS EV remains a tempting option for anyone considering buying an electric vehicle. It will be interesting to watch how the market responds to these developments as consumer preferences and economic conditions continue to shift.