Ola has launched its first B2B-focused electric scooter in India. It comes in two variants. The gig itself costs Rs 39,999, whereas the Gig+ costs Rs 49,999.
Because the new Ola Gig was designed to be a business two-wheeler, it features a huge carrier at the back and a roomy single seat for the rider.
The scooter features drum brakes on both ends and a telescopic front fork. With a tiny 250-watt motor and a top speed of 25 kph, the Ola Gig basic model can be used without registration. This device will compete with the Yulu models that we see running around in large cities.
The Ola Gig+, which has a 1.5kW motor and a top speed of 45 kph, is far more potent and requires registration for road use.
These scooters come with a single detachable 1.5kWh battery pack, but if you get the Gig+, you can have two packs. The company claims a range of 112 km for the Gig and either 81 km or 157 km for the Gig+, depending on whether you buy the Gig with one battery or two.
The company says its charging times are quick, although it hasn’t given exact figures. App-based access will be used to activate the scooter. Ola has only released digital render images thus far, with no more information. Wheel diameters, load carrying capability, kerb weight, and seat height are among the details that are still unknown.
According to Ola, the starting prices for the Gig and Gig+ are Rs 39,999 and Rs 49,999, respectively. Deliveries are anticipated to begin in April 2025.