The opening of Quantum Energy’s new showroom in Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh, has been announced. In addition to distinguished dignitaries and top Quantum Energy executives, the showroom was inaugurated in the presence of Shri Kinijarpu Rammohan Naidu, Hon. Minister of Civil Aviation in India. HK Agencies is the dealership name used by the recently opened showroom. Customers can easily explore and experience the advanced features of Quantum Energy’s state-of-the-art electric scooters at the well-located showroom.
All of the Quantum Energy electric scooters are on display at the HK Agencies showroom, where guests can be amazed by each vehicle’s flawless appearance, remarkable functionality, and superb construction. The Plasma, Milan, and Bziness models are among the varied selection of electric scooters that meet the various commuting requirements of Indian customers.
Details of the electric scooters on display:
Plasma- Plasmboasts a remarkable range of up to 110 km on a single full battery charge, a top speed of 65 km/h, and a 1500 W motor. Offer Price: Ex-showroom, Andhra Pradesh, INR 99999=00.
Plasma XR- boasts a remarkable range of up to 110 km on a single full battery charge, a top speed of 65 km/h, and a 1500 W motor. Offer Price: Ex-showroom, Andhra Pradesh, INR 99999=00.
Milan- It has a top speed of 60 km/h and can travel up to 100 km on a single full battery charge thanks to its 1000W motor. Price: Ex-showroom, Andhra Pradesh, INR 79000=00.
Bziness X- With a maximum speed of 60 km/h and a range of up to 110 km on a single full battery charge, it is driven by a 1200W engine. The ex-showroom price in Andhra Pradesh is INR 98,172.
“With the opening of our new store in Srikakulam, we are excited to increase our presence in Andhra Pradesh even further,” said Mr. Chakravarthi Chukkapalli, Managing Director of Quantum Energy Limited, in reference to the event. The growing interest in electric two-wheelers in the state is encouraging. Our Quantum Energy scooters’ many innovative characteristics make them highly appealing to all market segments. Our dedication to expanding public access to our state-of-the-art electric scooters stems from the increasing need for eco-friendly transportation choices. throughout order to meet this demand and facilitate easier access to our environmentally friendly mobility goods, we are presently working to open additional showrooms throughout Andhra Pradesh.
With the launch of the Srikakulam showroom, Quantum Energy has now opened 69 showrooms around the country, furthering its goal of guiding India toward a more environmentally friendly future.