Two-wheeler EV producer Sokudo Electric India recently declared its plans to set up 100 new stores nationwide by the end of 2024. The aim is to reach eco-conscious consumers in Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, and Maharashtra and boost approach to affordable electric scooters.
By year’s end, the company anticipates that these new locations will make up 60% of its total sales, with the goal of taking 5% of India’s $681.3 million electric two-wheeler industry.
Sokudo plans to open 20 stores across Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, and Maharashtra within six months. Every store will have an approximate floor area of 139.35 square meters (1,500 square feet), with a portion exceeding 185.81 square meters (2,000 square feet) designated for special showrooms. Anubhuti Electric will also oversee the openings.
The company claims that there is a high demand for electric vehicles at the places that were selected. The stores will present Sokudo’s scooters and parts like wiring, harnesses, and controllers, apart from presenting riding accessories, involving Sokudo Electric’s recently released ISI-certified helmets.
Prashant Vashishtha, CMD of Sokudo Electric India, declared that the new flagship stores are part of a long-term extension plan to raise their market presence. He recorded that this action would allow the company to make high-quality electric scooters more accessible for consumers.